Scénariser une situation d’apprentissage collective instrumentée : réalités, méthodes et modèles, quelques pistes

Designing an instrumented collective learning scenario: Realities, methods and models, and solutions
Jean Pierre David - Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble, France
Sébastien George - Laboratoire LIESP, INSA - Lyon, France
Hélène Godinet - Équipe EducTice, Institut national de recherche pédagogique, Lyon, France
Emmanuelle Villiot-Leclercq - Université Joseph Fourier, France
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The ACTEURS research project (Collective activities and tutoring in higher education: Realities, scenarios) has focused on the actors’ practices within the framework of distance or hybrid learning environments in higher education, as well as in the use of artefacts. It aims at defining and analysing instrumented collective learning situations (SACI). The question of SACI scenarising takes place in a process of reuse and mutualization of practices, made possible by the use of telelearning platforms. Our study allows to characterize the SACI and to track down the need of scenarising the collaboration. We propose an iterative approach to express and reuse a scenario of SACI. First of all, we use a scenario-type for specific educational activities. Then we express it according to the Pleiades formalism which allows the translation of the scenario in an educational modelling language to implement it on a telelearning platform.

Available online: 2008-06-17


Pierre David, J., George, S., Godinet, H., & Villiot-Leclercq, E. (2007). Scénariser une situation d’apprentissage collective instrumentée : réalités, méthodes et modèles, quelques pistes. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 4(2), 72-84.