Vulnérabilité numérique : un enjeu pour l’aide à la réussite

Digital Vulnerability: An Issue for Learning Support Services
Sylviane Bachy - Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
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A survey conducted in 2022 among 3742 first-year students at our university in Belgium, asked them about their digital skills. The questionnaire focused partly on the skills included in the DigComp Digital Competence Framework for Citizens and partly on specific content creation questions. Descriptive, distribution, and correlation statistical analyses were performed. About 36 % of respondents are below the threshold. The lack of sufficient digital skills would be correlated with a risk index (calculated using 13 variables). The results made it possible to define a digital vulnerability index. Students who are failing and have a high digital vulnerability index do not improve their digital skills during their university experience. This would be an issue for learning support services.

Available online: 2024-01-31


Bachy, S. (2024). Vulnérabilité numérique : un enjeu pour l’aide à la réussite. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 21(1), 1-24.