Les méthodes pédagogiques utilisées pour construire un environnement d’apprentissage socioconstructiviste dans un cours en ligne en mode hybride

Teaching methods used to build a socioconstructivist learning environment in a hybrid online course
Richard Lemay - Université Laval, Canada
Martine Mottet - Université Laval, Canada
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This article presents some results of an exploratory descriptive research based on a case study, aiming to identify teaching methods appropriate to social constructivist learning environments in a blended online course. We carried out a qualitative analysis of the interactions between the teacher and the seven students of a higher education Arts and Social Sciences course, in a francophone Canadian university, using recordings of eight periods of the synchronous classes to identify general trends and teaching methods suited to this new context.

Available online: 2010-08-26

DOI : https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2009.168

Lemay, R., & Mottet, M. (2009). Les méthodes pédagogiques utilisées pour construire un environnement d’apprentissage socioconstructiviste dans un cours en ligne en mode hybride. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 6(3), 47-55. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu.2009.168