Usages des mesures liées à la compétence et au bien-être numériques par les personnes étudiantes du collégial à besoins particuliers au Québec
Use of Digital Well-Being and Competence Supports by College Students With Special Needs in Quebec
This article discusses the use of measures to support Quebec college students in developing of digital competence. It focusses on students with special needs and on digital well-being, which is an integral aspect of digital competence. Respondents (N = 91) completed an online survey about their awareness and use of the available supportive measures, particularly those likely to support their digital competence and well-being. Interviews also explore their responses in more detail. Results show that students are not very likely to use the supportive measures, including those that could enhance their well-being, and prefer to seek personal support.
Available online: 2024-11-19
Gonthier, M.-E., Jolicoeur, E., & Parent, S. (2024). Usages des mesures liées à la compétence et au bien-être numériques par les personnes étudiantes du collégial à besoins particuliers au Québec. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 21(2), article 11.